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flying boat造句

"flying boat"是什么意思  
  • . . . a prototype of a flying boat known as the hercules
  • A prototype of a flying boat known as the hercules
  • Why not ? the damn thing is a flying boat , right
  • The hull of the world ' s mightiest airplane , a flying boat built by howard hughes
  • This is james mcnamara speaking to you from the hughes 2000 - ton flying boat
  • This is james mcnamara speaking to you from the hughes 2000 - ton flying boat . .
  • Flying boats are being widely used at oversea at present , in area of spy , air guidance , anti violence for army and traffic guidance , specail flying showing , relaying for fieldpickup , age - old finding by air , earth measurment , anti - fire for forest ect . ,
  • Flying boat is a controllable aircraft that can flying in the air , the flotage provided by the helum - filled bag inside the flying boat can support the boat and it s load in the air , motor pushing it forward ; the direction is guided by the device on it s tail , going down of the boat is made by escaping the gas inside , it can rise or fall straightly or stay in the air , no necessity of special site for taking off
  • The edge plays an edge to go to the school : if you do not reach the school directly , arrangement travels on the way or visit close friends , the airline of the choice , it is the person that with having flying boat you book the place that keep is first consideration , if international line cannot reach booked airport directly , also want arrangement to arrive at the person that the airline that there is collaboration inside territory can receive berth , just won ' t because change again and again plane , cause baggage to consign difficulty , or it is time of a favourable turn insufficient and the appearance that misses a flight
  • It's difficult to see flying boat in a sentence. 用flying boat造句挺难的
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